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BCC Connect: Prayer

Receive Prayer

Every week your prayer requests are read and prayed over by the pastoral staff and our BCC Gap prayer team. Prayer is offered at the end of the weekend service by our Prayer Partners and the monthly Dwell prayer service is also an excellent opportunity to receive prayer. We are excited about being a resource for your journey through life.

BCC Connect: Prayer

BCC Connect: Volunteer


At BCC we believe that God has distributed his gifts among the members of the church, so we need you on the team. We hope you will discover the joy of going from being a fan to being a player by signing up today.

BCC Connect: Membership


We believe that people need a place to belong. Membership at BCC means you have found a family and you are home. To explore membership, sign up and attend our “Why We” community group to learn more about us. Then you can decide whether we are the right church for you.

To find out when our next class will be, click the button below to contact the office.

BCC Connect: Membership

BCC Connect: Giving


Thank you for your generosity! We are so excited about investing together for greater ministry to people just like you and to bless the community around us. You are welcome to take advantage of the convenience of online contributing through our website and our BCC App.

BCC Connect: Weekend Services

Our Services

Our weekend services are a celebration of life with Christ, one another, and the world we love the other six days of the week. Our praise, connection time, and relevant teaching from the wisdom of the scripture is also designed to replenish us for redemptive re-engagement with the people we care about and the world that we are called to.

The music is contemporary, connections are joyful, and the preaching is designed to connect us with God and equip us for life. We hope you’ll check us out in your search for faith, friends, meaning, and a spiritual hope.

Our service takes place Sunday morning at 10:15AM.

BCC Connect: Weekend Services

BCC Connect: Make Friends

Make Friends!

We don’t think there is a better metaphor for who we are than “family”. We don’t simply serve our community, worship, and grow together, we have some serious fun too! From BCC’s coffee shop “Aunt Sandy’s” to special Connection Sundays to our weekly Community Groups, everything at BCC is designed to help you not only grow but form lifelong friends. We would love to meet you are your family this Sunday!

Community Groups

Community Groups

Life is better together! Community Groups are where together happens. They are a central expression of our desire to give you the opportunity to know and be known. Together we are loved, challenged, and encouraged. Every group will give you an opportunity to connect with others and learn God’s Word. We hope you’ll sign up and learn what it means to be a part of a community that loves!

Community Groups

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